MALAYSIA - The Malaysian Prime Minister confirmed on Wednesday that the piece of wing found washed up on Reunion Island is indeed from Malaysian Airlines Flight 370.

In a press conference delivered by Malaysian PM Najib Razak, he expressed sincere grief for the families of the victims but did not give any details in how the experts determined the piece of wing fragment was indeed from MH370.

Also, due to how long the piece of wing was in the water experts from many aspects will take a look at the wing and there is a possibility it could tell us where, when, and how MH370 went down.

In a press conference given by the French Prosecutor's office, it was stated they could strongly presume that the wing flap found belonged to MH370 for two reasons. Boeing confirmed this piece came from a Boeing 777, and representatives from Malaysian airlines communicated with us to compare the debris from the wing found to a wing from an almost identical Malaysian Airlines Boeing 777. We are doing more research on the suitcase found with our criminal research team as quickly as possible.

This gives us a definitive answer that the flight did indeed go down in the ocean as many suspected, MSNBC News is reporting that this now officially opens the door for the families of victims to open lawsuits against Malaysian Airlines, Boeing, and other involved parties.

-Aiman Jarrar